Rainforest Birds- Umbrella Cockatoo
Bird Name:
Umbrella Cockatoo
Latin Name:
Cacatua alba
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cacatua
Species: C. alba
General information:
The common name is the White Cockatoo. It is considered vulnerable by the IUCN red list due to habitat loss and illegal trapping for the cage-bird trade. It is currently listed in Appendix II of CITIES.
White cockatoos are extremely bright and inquisitive birds. They have the ability to use tools, such as using a branch to scratch their backs.
Physical Description:
The Umbrella Cockatoo averages 46 cm in length and weighs 400 gm. It is white with dark eyes and a dark grey beak. It has a large crest that when surprise will extend into a semi circle (similar to an umbrella). The underside of the wings and tail are a pale yellow. The sexes are similar but larger beaks and broader heads occur in the males. The females' iris will exhibit a more reddish hue after puberty.
In the wild, the Umbrella Cockatoo mainly feeds on fruits of trees. However, they have been seen eating crickets and skinks. They will also feed on maize growing in fields, sometimes doing considerable damage.
The Umbrella Cockatoo is endemic to Maluku, Indonesia. Specifically, this species lives on the islands of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta and Mandiole. It has been introduced to Puerto Rico. It resides in primary, logged and secondary forest up to 900 meters. It also occurs in mangroves, plantations and agricultural land. They require large trees for nesting and communal roosting.
Umbrella Cockatoos are monogamous and pairs last throughout their lives. If the partner is gone they can slip into depression. The male and the female share the responsibility of incubating the eggs. Typically, the parents raise only one of the chicks. If the first chick to hatch is healthy, they care for that one. If it is malformed or unhealthy, they raise the second chick. The young are born completely dependent upon their parents. Both parents are involved in caring for young, although females play a larger role. Once a chick is able to care for itself, the group of three rejoins the rest of the flock.
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